Six months after Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Storyline is proud to announce a new creative partnership and ongoing collaboration with New Orleans-based LandofOpportunity. A collaborative storytelling site, LandofOpportunity features layered multimedia narratives about (re)building urban America through the lens of post-Katrina New Orleans.
Our partnership began shortly after Sandy Storyline started, in the Fall of 2012. This collaboration will be an ongoing exploration of the time-space continuum of disaster recovery and the reconstruction of these two iconic urban centers. How does one set of narratives overlap with the other? What—if anything—have we learned from the ongoing and contentious rebirth of New Orleans? How can those lessons be used to predict, and change what happens on the ground post-Sandy?
Our goal in partnering with LandofOpportunity is to create a shared understanding of what has happened and what is possible in the wake of such devastating crises. Having documented New Orleans for nearly the last 8 years after Hurricane Katrina, LandofOpportunity has one of the richest media collections about New Orleans during this time. We look forward to collaborating to share stories together that help build a more equitable future for cities everywhere.
View the introductory video for the partnership, a first production in what we hope will be an enriching and long-lasting creative collaboration.