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Our Power

Hoboken 4

Global Warming is Real

Beacon High School Visits the Rockaways
How to Kill a Person’s Spirit – Post-Sandy
For every day that a person with "special needs" due to a disability is "in the system" - I believe there is a danger that this person will fall deeper into the system. A primary and core goal should be to prevent that from happening, and to do that by erring on the side of…

The FEMA Loop
Here's one that really confused me. I call it the "FEMA Loop." My Mom has a physical disability which makes it very difficult for her to re-locate to just any old place. And the place she re-locates to, needs to have certain "features" in order for her to reasonably be able to make use of…
How Hurricane Sandy Affected Me Personally and as a Volunteer
When the news of Hurricane Sandy was first mentioned, I didn’t think it would be so catastrophic. I remember listening to the strong winds beat against my window. I was scared the window would break, or the tree in front of our building would fall. Thankfully, neither of those things happened. The day after the…

The Ruined of Rockaway

Violent Aftermath

Stuck in the System

30 Years

Beverly Penn

That’s a Miracle

The Best Place to Be

PTSD: Post Traumatic Sandy Disorder

New York’s Finest

One Dollar, One Dollar, Everything One Dollar


Whatever You Need


Not Just One House


Still Here

“I’m gonna miss it.”


Different World

“My Mind Is So Hooked On Cleaning”
